Kateřina Staňková specialises in public administration, administrative law, administrative proceedings, administrative judicial proceedings, and legislation.
In the area of public administration and administrative law, Kateřina has drafted numerous legal opinions and analyses for clients from the public as well as private sector. From factual point of view, she handles the full spectrum of public law matters, including advice on management of state property, right to information, environmental issues, zoning and building proceedings, regional development, agriculture, industry and trade, transport, and culture.
In the area of administrative proceedings and administrative judiciary, she regularly represents clients in both types of proceedings and provides legal opinions on various complex procedural issues (for example, to appeals committees of ministries and other governmental authorities).
In the area of legislation, Kateřina has ample experience in preparing draft bills and subordinate legislative regulations, and also in providing related legal advice concerning the entire legislative process (including on the processing of comments in interdepartmental consultation procedures; consultation on a draft bill by the Czech Government Legislative Council and its several working committees; consultation on the draft bill by the Chamber of Deputies and by the Senate of the Czech Parliament). She has also drafted numerous proposed amendments for clients from both the public and private sector, and many legal opinions on draft bills and proposed amendments in individual stages of the legislative process, all mainly with regard to public regulation.
Regarding activities that are not quite common in the practice of law, Kateřina performed audits of internal normative acts for clients from public administration and also the private sector, and she processed drafts of dozens of internal organisational and other regulations and policies. She also has experience in project management, such as in connection with a public tender related to potential legislative changes in one of the most significant aspects of public administration.
Prior to joining our law firm, Kateřina worked for four years at a major Prague-based law firm, which constitutes a part of a renowned U.S. law firm’s international network, where she provided legal services relating especially to public administration, administrative law, and administrative judiciary. She was also responsible for drafting bills and proposed amendments, project management relating to implementation of major public contracts, and audits of internal normative acts of several organisational subdivisions of the state, state-owned companies, and the like.
Before she started practicing law, Kateřina worked for five years as assistant to judge at the Supreme Administrative Court where she attended especially to matters related to taxes, competition, public procurement, construction, environment, and other administrative matters. She also worked for two years as in-house lawyer at the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition. Simultaneously with her primary profession, Kateřina worked for four years as member of the Government Legislative Council’s Committee I for Public Law – Committee no. 1 for Administrative Law, where she drafted expert opinions on specific legislative proposals.